Page 152 - 2020 Russell Catalogue
P. 152

CHARLES M. RUSSELL (1864–1926) Indian on Horseback,1898
13 3⁄4 x 10 1⁄2 inches
Ll: CM Russell/1898 (skull)
Recorded in Charles M. Russell: A Catalog Raisonné: CR.ILU.212
For several reasons, Indian on Horseback is illustrative of the artist’s ongoing progress in executing a worthy and coherent composition in the oil medium. First, the background of this painting represents yet another of C. M. Russell’s well-differentiated depictions of the magnificent Judith Basin version of Square Butte that dominates the very heart of Russell Country. This particular work provides even more evidence that Russell must have traversed on horseback the full 360 degrees of this iconic topography uncounted times during his cowboy years. He had clearly committed numerous details about it to his photographic memory for future artistic inspiration.
Second, this 1898 image demonstrates how Russell was approaching the turn of the century with more appreciation for the use of well-defined and evermore highly colored Indian accoutrements. These items focus the viewer’s attention on the lead figure. In this example, we see the Indian using a quirt to motivate and control his horse in difficult terrain. Then there is the beaded scabbard, the detailed rifle (presumably received in trade for furs or captured in battle), appropriately decorative feathers, and an eye-catching Hudson’s Bay blanket. All these appointments amplify the scenes drama.
Finally, the remaining Indians in the picture are deliberately diminished to create an enhanced sense of depth to the impressive landscape. In all, this C.M. Russell work is a strikingly effective piece at an important stage of the artist’s development.
• Amon Carter Museum
• Private collection
• Private collection, Minnesota

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