Page 216 - TheRussellCatalogue2017
P. 216

From Cowboy to Contemporary
The Best Auctions
The Hidden Destinations
The Most Compelling Personalities
The Quintessential Collector’s Lifestyle
In the pages of
Western Art & Architecture
Embrace artful living...
Celebrating America's love affair with the visual arts and architecture, Western Art & Architecture is for art collectors and architecture af cionados across the United States.
Crossing Over: John Coleman
Meow Wolf ’s House of Eternal Return Jason Rich Paints the Authentic West Architecture in the West: Newberg, Oregon
The Wild and Untamed Works of Francois Koch
The Light-Filled Structures of Giulietti | Schouten Architects Perspectives: Maven of Modernism Mabel Dodge Luhan [1879 – 1962]
OCtOber | NOvember 2016 Celebrating 10 Years
From Cowboy to Contemporary
The Horse: An Icon of Western Art
Grounded in Nature: Sculptor Simon Gudgeon Exploring the Interpretive World of Self-Portraiture Architecture in the West: From New Mexico to Colorado
From Cowboy to Contemporary
Group f/64: Founders of Fine Art Photography
Painter Jenness Cortez and the Jackson Hole Art Auction Allison Merritt of the Western Design Conference
August | september 2016
Meditations on Winter
In Wood, Steel and Bronze: Les Perhacs
On the Pecos River with Artist Bill Worrell
Mary Colter’s and Fred Harvey’s Architectural Legacy
Contour Interior Design’s Sophisticated Sense of Chic
Robert McCauley’s hand-built Paci c Northwest studio Perspective: Outdoorsmen painters Belmore and George Browne
DeCember 2016 | JANuAry 2017 Celebrating 10 Years
From Cowboy to Contemporary
From left: Wind Hover by Tony Angell | One That Got Away by Donna Howell-Sickles | JLF & Associates Jackson Hole residence by Audrey Hall
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