Page 96 - TheRussellCatalogue2016
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125 CHARLES M. RUSSELL (1864–1926) Self Portrait “A Few Words About Myself ” c. 1924 pen and ink 10 x 8 inches$30,000–40,000Recorded in Charles M. Russell: A Catalogue Raisonnė: CR.DR.156Charles Russell’s, A Few Words About Myself, serves as the author’s preface for his book of short stories, More Rawhides.  is introduction to the reader combines one part biography and two parts poetry with generous portions of humor and humility. In it, Charlie employs an eloquence all his own, perfectly encapsulating his life as a cowboy and artist. With the original 1925 printing of More Rawhides, shortly before his death the following year, Russell summarizes and e ectively eulogizes his own life for his contemporaries. He also leaves future generations with a taste of and a longing for what it was like to know him. His satisfaction of a life well-lived reads clearly in the preface’s closing line: “Any time I cash in now, I win.”Lot 125 consists of the pen-and-ink drawing Russell used to illustrate the introduction in More Rawhides.  e aptly titled self portrait “A Few Words About Myself ” (1924) is reproduced on the page facing the preface.  is two-page spread demonstrates Russell’s magical mastery of the pen, using both pictures and words. In the drawing, Russell depicts himself in a casual stance with his left hand hitched on his trademark sash; his right hand extends openly to the side. With this simple, approachable pose, Russell invites the viewer/reader to get to know him. A self proclaimed “good mixer,” Russell cherished those he counted as friends. As he states in the accompanying text, “I had friends when I had nothing else.”ILLUSTRATION• C.M. Russell. More Rawhides. C.M. Russell, 1925. 3

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